What is gastric sleeve?
It is a surgical procedure for weight loss. Sleeve gastrectomy is performed using the endoscope, which is included in it. Insertion of precise instruments through multiple small incisions in the upper abdomen, whereby approximately 80% of the stomach is removed leaving a tube-like part the size and shape of a banana.
What are the benefits of gastric sleeve?
Reducing the size of the stomach determines the amount of food that a person can eat, and hormonal changes are observed after the procedure that help in losing weight, and also help in relieving medical conditions associated with weight gain, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes.

What are the cases in which sleeve gastrectomy is not performed?
Cases of severe obesity if the body mass index is 40 or more.
If your body mass index is 35 to 39.9 and you have a serious weight-related health problem such as type 2 diabetes or arterial hypertension.
If your BMI is between 30 and 34 and you have serious weight-related health problems.
The patient’s age ranged between 18-65 years.
You must also be willing to make permanent changes to lead a healthier lifestyle
It is noted that sleeve gastrectomy is not suitable for cases of simple or moderate obesity, for example:
Those whose weight exceeds 10:20 kilos.
Obese patients with high weights over 150 kilos.
Have had previous surgeries.
Obese patients who suffer from abdominal adhesions or hiatal hernia.
Elderly people over 65 years old.
What is the duration of the quantification process?
The operation takes one to two hours, after which you wake up under the supervision of a specialized medical staff in search of any complications
How long is the process results clear?
The results of the sleeve gastrectomy process begin to appear immediately after the completion of the procedure, as the patient loses about 60% or more of the excess weight within two years, and with a balanced diet and simple exercise such as walking, the results can be maintained for a long time